
Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter March 2025
An Evidence-Based Approach to Augmentative and Alternative Communication Design for Individuals with Cortical Visual Impairment
Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter March 2025
An Evidence-Based Approach to Augmentative and Alternative Communication Design for Individuals with Cortical Visual Impairment

Three Types of Hearing Loss
Three Types of Hearing Loss By Jillian Morencey, Teacher of the Deaf When we have a student in our classroom with hearing loss we may have a lot of...
Three Types of Hearing Loss
Three Types of Hearing Loss By Jillian Morencey, Teacher of the Deaf When we have a student in our classroom with hearing loss we may have a lot of...

Helping Students with Hearing Loss Develop Soci...
From kindergarten to grade twelve, students with hearing loss often encounter issues with socialization.
Helping Students with Hearing Loss Develop Soci...
From kindergarten to grade twelve, students with hearing loss often encounter issues with socialization.

Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter February 2025
Nearsightedness is Skyrocketing in Kids. Sunshine can Help.
Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter February 2025
Nearsightedness is Skyrocketing in Kids. Sunshine can Help.

Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter
Cerebral Visual Impairment or CVI is now the number one cause of visual impairment in developed nations and is increasing in prevalence in developing countries.
Equalize Eye to Eye Newsletter
Cerebral Visual Impairment or CVI is now the number one cause of visual impairment in developed nations and is increasing in prevalence in developing countries.

Reading and the Auditory/Oral Hearing Impaired ...
Reading exposes students to flowery language structures, figurative language, a wider range of vocabulary and even encourages higher level thought processes, such as critical thinking, problem solving and imagination.
Reading and the Auditory/Oral Hearing Impaired ...
Reading exposes students to flowery language structures, figurative language, a wider range of vocabulary and even encourages higher level thought processes, such as critical thinking, problem solving and imagination.