VI Resources
We invite you to browse through the following resource links regarding blind and visual impairment. We welcome you to send us related links not listed on this page.
Summer Camps for the Visually Impaired- link here
AERBVI- The Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, visit
Accessibyte- typing programs and accessible games for students with vision impairments
Ambutech- for cane orders, visit
American Printing House for the Blind (APH)- products for the visually impaired, visit
Braille Challenge- annual braille competition by Braille Institute, hosted locally by Eye Shine Foundation
BRAVO- Blue Ridge Adventures Vision Optional (camp),
Community Low Vision Center locations in Winston-Salem and Asheville, the Community Low Vision Center offers low vision evaluations, as well as low vision resources for individuals with low vision from school age to seniors.
CVI Scotland is devoted to helping people understand cerebral visual impairments (CVI), and together work towards developing the understanding of this complex condition.
Division of Services for the Blind- register students ages 14 and up with Transition Counselor.
Equalize Sensory Services YouTube Page/Videos
Early Learning Sensory Support Program for Children who are Visually Impaired (ELSSP/VI)- specialized direct instruction for children, ages birth to five, who are visually impaired through Certified Teachers of the Visually Impaired.
Eye Retreat- camp for visually impaired youth led by visually impaired mentors,
Eye Shine Foundation- non-profit recreational group for youth with visual impairments in the Triangle, visit
Focus on Literacy Program at Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind- provides free evaluations and equipment for students across NC, visit
Goalball- high intensity sport for blind or blindfolded players. The Raleigh Avengers play on Friday nights at Governor Morehead School for the Blind, Raleigh. Contact Alan Chase at
Governor Morehead School for the Blind- North Carolina’s State School for the Blind
Independent Living Aids- products for persons with disabilities, visit
Maxi Aids- products for persons with disabilities, visit
NC-AER Chapter- join the NC chapter of the AER professional organization,
NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Visually Impaired Consultant- Crystal Patrick
NVISION-Internet Navigation for People with Low Vision and Blindness,
Paths to Literacy- for students who are blind or visually impaired
Paths to Technology- Educators, families, and students can share information about technology for students with visual impairments and blindness
Perkins School for the Blind offers a vast variety of training for teachers and families of children who are visually impaired, particularly those with multiple disabilities.
Social Security for Seniors-
Teaching Students with Visual Impairments- a tremendous resource for anyone involved in the education of students who are blind or visually impaired, visit
TSBVI (Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired)- layers and layers of resources for the VI field, visit
Vision Associates specializes selling Lea assessment tools.
VISSIT- tool for determining appropriate amounts of itinerant VI service delivery visit
The Working Therapist – 2-part podcast, “An Overview of Vision Impaired Services.”
Wonder Baby- resources for parents and teachers of blind and disabled children, visit
You Tube Channel: resource for accessible technology for blind and visually impaired, visit
O&M Specific Resources
Chris Tabb's live binder: invaluable resource on all things O&M
Michigan Department of Education Low Incidence Outreach Independent Living Skills (MDE LIO ILS) guides:
Allied Independence offers many O&M resources, some are free and some are a monthly fee. They also host the International Orientation and Mobility Symposium every January.
Parent Mobility- Orientation and Mobility resources for families with videos.
Call 919-480-8800