Becky Lowrey

Becky is the Lead Teacher of the Visually Impaired for Equalize Sensory Services. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and attended Agnes Scott College just outside of Atlanta where she received a B.A. in Music. She later attended the University of Georgia and received an M.Ed. in Music Therapy. After the birth of her first son, Becky moved to western North Carolina where she worked as a music therapist for six years at Broughton Hospital. After a mild hearing loss, she shifted gears a little and pursued a Masters in Exceptional Children at Appalachian State University and became an EC teacher for severe/profound students, a resource teacher for SLD, and an early interventionist and evaluator for birth to five. After obtaining employment with the Governor Morehead Preschool (now Early Learning Sensory Support Program) as a TVI, Becky immediately went back to school to obtain certification in visual impairment. Becky worked as a TVI for GMP/ELSSP-VI for 22 years and served for 7 of those years as a Lead Teacher. She also taught as a K-12 TVI for Iredell-Statesville Schools. Becky has National Board Certification in Exceptional Children/Visual Impairment and has sat on the NC AER board, the NCCVIB board, and has worked with NC Central University VI program to mentor student teachers. The field of VI is her passion, and she is all about bringing the world to her students and encouraging families as the child’s first teacher. She is excited to share knowledge and to learn from everyone with whom she works: her students, families, other teachers, related service providers, and doctors.
Becky has two sons of her own, both of whom are married. She has two married step-daughters, and four grand-children. She and her husband live in Arden, NC (South Asheville) with their two wonderful, gigantic dogs. In her spare time, Becky still plays guitar and sings, reads a tremendous amount, enjoys trout fishing, and is a sci-fi and fantasy enthusiast.