
We are proud to bring you the VisioBraille line of products to achieve greater visual access and independence with reliable and easy-to-use magnification equipment!

I’ve been serving folks with vision loss for over 20 years and know that having the right tools to improve sight can be the difference between living and LIVING! Over the last decade, my team and I have worked with the VisioBook with hundreds of students in public schools. It has been a reliable and life-changing device for so many students, allowing them to see and to achieve their greatest potential!

The VisioBook is a PORTABLE, battery-operated, electronic magnification machine that allows the user to go anywhere and read anything (near and distance)! The portability, ease of use and instant magnification has made this device a life changer for so many people.

When the original manufacturer of the VisioBook (Baum) went out of business a couple of years ago, there was a noticeable void in availability of having a machine that did everything with ease and portability. There were no longer parts available to fix VisioBooks that needed it, and students started going without the tool that made learning possible. That’s when I partnered with my genius technician who learned the ins and outs of the VisioBook, figured out how to create and scavenge parts, and has since repaired hundreds of devices, allowing kids across the nation to have visual access again.

In 2019, VisioBraille in Germany, bought the rights and technologies for the VisioBook and it is BACK! This has brought me to a natural place to partner with VisioBraille and to be a distributor for the fantastic line of VisioBraille products. We are excited to offer our expertise and service to people with vision loss across North Carolina and South Carolina. We’d be happy to show you what the Visio Collection can do for you, your students, or your seniors!

~Kim Hudson, President